Livefloww Technologies

Reimagining Customer Analytics

How many customers visit you every day? One hundred, or maybe one thousand? How many enter to only take a quick glance and leave after five minutes? With Livefloww, it is time to say goodbye to the guesswork.

Discover insights about your customers’ preferences like never before by accurately determining the number of visits in a set time period and calculating key metrics, such as the bounce rate and engagement time.

Why Us?

  1. Lowest Cost in the Industry – Full analytics for just £49.99/month per device.
  2. Lightning Fast – We provide accurate data in real-time, always. This makes us the fastest solution in the industry.
  3. Unparalleled Safety – We neither collect nor process any personal information. With Livefloww, you will be immune from loss of personal customer data in case of hacking attempts, making us the safest solution in the industry.
  4. Superior Design – We are the only solution in the industry providing accurate analytics without the requirement to install an application, with zero setup costs and an intuitive, custom dashboard.

And the best part? We offer an exclusive 30 day money-back guarantee for our first clients, so there is no reason not to order now.

Unparalleled opportunities for growing your business

Our services – what makes us different

Whether you would like to know the footfall on any given day, week or month – or simply take a look at the amount of people currently looking at that new collection – Livefloww has you covered.

Accurately measure number of customers

Through the power of Livefloww Tracker, assess how many users are at the venue at any time, with real-time results displayed on our online platform

Create future footfall forecasts based on historical data & receive recommendations from our AI to optimally allocate resources to match demand forecasts

All data is automatically stored and recorded on a database and subsequently converted into a user-friendly interface for data analysis and interpretation

optimise marketing campaigns

Understand which products are the most popular amongst clients and evaluate the effectiveness of various marketing methodologies to maximise sales and specifically meet consumer demands

Discover customer Preferences

By understanding how long customers have spent looking at a specific product at a particular point in time, we can specifically create products to match their preferences

Determine future sales by assessing the average money spent on each day given the number of customer presents and other external factors that may have influenced their decisions

Aiming to create a network of Livefloww users

We invite you to follow our journey on social media

And welcome any feedback on how to improve our service

Real-time Online Analytics Application

Providing an intuitive interface

We aim to clearly display all of the key information that is important for your business on one dashboard, including the number of new users in a given time period and store locations, with data present both specifically and on aggregate